link to picture Gary Howard and Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann
More than 300.000 Euro collected by Dancer Against Cancer, thanks to founder Yvonne Rueff. Celebrating the fantastic result of 2014 together.
It is time to improve the quality of our food now. How could food ever become an industry? An industry not providing what helps us stay healthy, but acting cost-effective, meaning selling cheap ingredients at a high price. We, our children and future generations need nutritious, natural food. Otherwise the price we pay will be even higher.
Newsanchor Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann and TV presenter Silvia Schneider are ready for a nice summer evening; and you should go out too, when the weather is so nice.
link to picture Gary Howard and Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann
More than 300.000 Euro collected by Dancer Against Cancer, thanks to founder Yvonne Rueff. Celebrating the fantastic result of 2014 together.
Zimmermann on Vladimir Putin’s state visit – link to Café Puls
Massive security measures to guarantee safe state visit of Vladmir Putin, Russian president, in Vienna, Austria. Anchor Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann comments schedules during leading live TV morning-show Café Puls.
Woman In Red Kelly LeBrock and Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann having a wonderful evening sharing their opinion about the joy of good writing.
photo: © The Best of the World Network ®
Silvia Schneider announcing Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann as Dancer Against Cancer jury member.
Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann will join the jury panel at the Dancer Against Cancer charity ball, April 5, 2014.
Carsten-Pieter says: „We all should support matters which help mankind in some way.“
Link on fb:
Link: Zimmermann to join Dancer Against Cancer jury
Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann preparing for the Vienna Opera Ball.
Fröhliche Weihnachten 2013! Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann mit seinem Kameramann und Weihnachtsbaum knapp vor den PULS 4 News. (photo: Almira Avdyli)