Florence Foster Jenkins

Nominated for 2 Oscars, 4 Golden Globes, 4 BAFTA awards (won 1 BAFTA award), 2 Screen Actors Guild Awards, 3 AARP Movies for Grownups Awards, and many other awards. Original review by Carsten-Pieter: „Florence Foster Jenkins turns out to be an amusing glance at a time one would long to live in. Yet the picture … Weiterlesen

Zimmermann at EU Film Festival in L.A.

Opening night reception at EU Film Festival STARRING EUROPE: NEW FILMS FROM THE EU 2016 at Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood Blvd; May 12, 2016 http://americancinemathequecalendar.com/content/starring-europe-new-films-from-the-eu

Echo music award winner Yury Revich and Carsten-Pieter

At charity for autism: „How Yury uses his talent to raise awareness of how a little support makes  others blossom inspired me to continue changing this world for the better. For sure I will attend his next concert where he will gather extraordinary artists again.“ (photo showing world-class violinist and Echo music award winner Yury … Weiterlesen

Oscars – it’s a wrap, back to business

The 87th annual Academy Awards left the impression of a solid show. A host half naked on the stage almost spoiled the image of this glamorous event. The industry is back to daily business routine already and preparing for the Oscars next year.

The Euro’s dark future?

Greece thinking about withdrawing from the Eurozone. Europe’s leading politicians suddenly seem to have changed their course. Are they hiding something?

Lin to direct Star Trek 3

A-list director Justin Lin, with whom I worked on producing his Bruce Lee movie Finishing The Game, will direct Star Trek 3. This sure will be a sci-fi feature worth watching. http://www.filmjunkies.de/news/big/s/star-trek-justin-lin-64716_big.jpg http://variety.com/2014/film/news/star-trek-3-director-justin-lin-1201385459/