Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann is now working for Forbes magazine.
Against extremism Forbes
Link to my article in Forbes Magazine.
Link to my article in Forbes Magazine.
Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann is now working for Forbes magazine.
Officials request to stay at home and avoid contact, indoor church service and gatherings. Up to 25.000 lives taken so far. Number of hospitalized could double within one month.
Due to higher industrial demand China is limiting the use of electricity. The people is partly requested to turn the heating to a maximum of 16 degrees Celsius and save power whenever possible.
Video of the empty city center at night #uncanny #COVID19
Zimmermann now hired as communications specialist by Österreichische Post AG.
zu ihrem Debüt als „Dancing Stars“-Moderatorin. Ich freue mich, sie bei den ersten Schritten ins Fernsehen begleitet zu haben.
Infektionsgefahr in geschlossenen Räume bis zu 19 Mal höher. (Quelle:
The Covid-19- disease seems completely out of control in the United States. Even 85 babies under the age of 1 are tested positive in one single state.
Die Zahl der Coronavirus-Neuinfektionen hat sich in Österreich innerhalb von einem Monat versechsfacht. Die Regierung will deshalb am 19. Juli 2020 neue Verordnungen erlassen.